Please help us get votes!
Please take 2 seconds out and vote for our new natural products which are being showcased at the HBA Expo “New Product Showcase”.
Simply click the link below & scroll down to our product
(10th one down)

Give us your thumbs up.
You can click it up to 5 times to help us gain numbers.
Thank you for helping us.

If you are going to the show – please stop by and see us at booth #829
You can vote at the show at the new product showcase section.
(located behind the 700 row).
All of the product that we are showcasing are on sale this month.
Check out all of the details on our website…
After you vote!
Brushes by Karen /ColorStrokes Cosmetics
516 739-7788
Info@Brushes by
516 739-7788
Info@Brushes by